What Makes A Metal Powder Suitable? Researchers Examine Powders in AM Processes

(Photo Credit: NanoSteel)

Metal 3D printing is becoming a vital source of production for a wide range of industries today, and a unique underrstanding of the required materials continues to grow around it. To sift through the finer details of powder usage, German scientists Silvia Vock, Burghardt Klöden, Alexander Kirchner, Thomas Weißgärber, and Bernd Kieback reviewed current testing and evaluating methods in ‘Powders for powder bed fusion: a review.’

While there are numerous different categories for using powder in additive manufacturing, powder bed fusion is the main process considered in their paper. Consequent powder properties can be subdivided, beginning at the lowest level with individual properties, in bulk, and then regarding how it behaves under certain conditions (in-process performance). Testing powders on the single particle scale is a standard, inexpensive exercise, while evaluating bulk-particle behavior and in-process performance are more difficult.

As the research team began reviewing powders for suitability, they discussed flowability first, looking at how unique powders behave once they are put into a manufacturing process and possibly under pressure of different sorts. Flowability is interconnected with equipment and the actual processes underway. The researchers also remind us that even the smallest variation in powder could have a substantial effect on processability. Testing techniques such as the Hall flowmeter funnel (ASTM B213) and the Carney funnel (ASTM B964) are used, however, the researchers do not hold much stock in funnel tests, unless the materials are ‘superior flowing powders.’ Although ‘cohesive powders’ may be suitable for use, they are not easily tested with funnel tests either.

Schematic visualization of the connection between the terms “flowability” and “flow properties” and respective parameters. (Image: ‘Powders for powder bed fusion: a review’)

Other tests such as the Hausner ratio (HR) are found to be unsuitable also, as well as Round Robin testing, and angle of repose. The most promising manner for testing flowability is powder testing with a powder rheometer; however, the researchers state that more studies are needed. Particle size distribution is a property not dependent on other parameters, but the team points out that ‘several issues and limitations can occur.’ For good flow, the PSD must be narrow and for a bulkier density, there must be wide distribution.

“From the large amount of observed correlations between PSD and other process relevant aspects as well as final part quality reviewed above, it is clear that PSD is an important powder characteristic and has to be carefully tailored,” states the research team. “However, it is not a parameter which can be used without additional information to decide how the powder will behave in the process.”

Final part quality investigations have been uncommon so far, but the researchers note the obvious connection regarding issues such as morphology, impurities, moisture content, particle density, and bulk material properties.

“It can already be seen that contradictions can occur both, for one interconnection between part and powder property, as well as between powder property and different part quality aspects. While in the first case the reason of the contradiction has a methodological reason, the second case is a sign for the need of optimization to tailor the final part quality to fit the requirements,” states the research team.

Studying powder for measures of suitability in metal 3D printing is not only vital to successful production, but such determinations will help to continue expanding the availability of applicable materials. Manufacturers can work on more optimal powders and target larger markets, while users enjoy new and improved materials.

“For a more precise identification of crucial powder and bulk properties, the solution will be either a combination of various characterization methods for given process parameters or a more complex powder characterization technique exclusively designed for the specific PBF process,” concludes the research team.

Visualization of the relationships between powder properties, bulk powder behavior, powder performance in process and finally the manufactured part quality as elaborated by different research groups (Image: ‘Powders for powder bed fusion: a review’)

What do you think of this news? Let us know your thoughts! Check out some of our other stories on 3D printing with metal, as it is featured in scenarios like Navy warships, presented as complex AM processes for other countries, and becoming important in applications like aerospace. Join the discussion of this article and other 3D printing topics at 3DPrintBoard.com.

[Source: Powders for Powder Bed Fusion: A Review]

BigRep and Bosch Rexroth Partnering Up to Combine 3D Printing with CNC Control Systems and Drives

German large-format 3D printing company BigRep, which became the newest member of the Direct Manufacturing Research Center (DMRC) an industrial research network in June, is on a mission to reshape the face of manufacturing with its large, serial production 3D printers. Founded four years ago in Berlin, with offices in Boston and Singapore, the company is committed to creating complete solutions in industrial sectors like automotive and aerospace.

Now, BigRep has announced an important development partnership with its strategic partner Bosch Rexroth, which supplies drive and control technologies. Together, the two companies will introduce a new dimension of industrial 3D printing, and set it up as an Industry 4.0 application in industrial production.

“This partnership demonstrates that Bosch Rexroth is constantly developing sustainable technologies and new factory automation solutions for the Factory of the Future,” said Thomas Fechner, Director of the Business Unit New Business at Bosch Rexroth.

As a result of this new development partnership, BigRep’s large-scale 3D printers, like the BigRep ONE and the Studio, will be equipped for the first time with excellent CNC control systems and drives by Bosch Rexroth. This will make BigRep’s 3D printers systems that are IoT-ready.

BigRep ONE 3D Printer

“Across industries, customers are looking for reliable, controllable and efficient 3D printers in order to manufacture top quality parts. As BigRep is the first to integrate CNC-grade control systems in 3D printers, we will re-define Additive Manufacturing,” said BigRep CEO Dr. Stephan Beyer. “The Rexroth controls are also an excellent platform for providing our 3D printers with full connectivity for existing production and automation systems. This will establish 3D printing as a key industry 4.0 application.”

Previously, Bosch Rexroth had predicted that in the future, industrial 3D printers will be faster and more reliable, which will make them far more suitable for use in mass production. Over the years, additive manufacturing has been busily setting itself up as an ideal manufacturing technology for the Factory of the Future, with major reported impacts on small serial production and prototyping.

Bosch Rexroth is also committed to 3D printing – it does offer AM components and solutions, after all. But in addition, the drive and control technologies specialist is using the technology, as stated in a BigRep press release, to “enable the fast and cost-efficient creation of models, patterns, prototypes, tools and end products.”

By following the lead that’s been set by BigRep and Bosch Rexroth in their partnership to combine large-scale, industrial 3D printing with drive and control technology experts, the additive manufacturing industry will be able to realize more cost-efficient and rapid creation of models, prototypes, tools, end-use products, and patterns.

What do you think about this news? Discuss this story and other 3D printing topics at 3DPrintBoard.com or share your thoughts in the Facebook comments below. 

NOWLab Creates Smart Concrete Through 3D Printing

If you’ve ever been told you are as a dumb as a brick, you know (unless the accusation is true) that building materials aren’t renowned for their intelligence. However, while intelligence may be out of reach, it is true that they are increasingly becoming ‘smart‘, meaning they offer the capacity to interact with their users. That interaction goes beyond a simple on/off switching mechanism to include a connection to a network that allows for remote sharing and interaction. Today, there are a wide variety of things that we have come to rely upon for their smart enabled capabilities.

Beyond smartphones, the current gold standard in communications, there are smart home security systems and smart lighting systems that have introduced the idea of networked technology as an integral part of design and architecture. One company that has beenleading the way in this area is the German company BigRep, producers of the large-scale BigRep ONE 3D printer. Their innovation department, NOWLab, has been working on creating smart concrete with an adaptive surface enabled by embedded capacitive sensors. This translates to concrete with capabilities that are activated by the touch of a hand.

In the case of NOWLab’s efforts, this comes in the form of a wall panel with integrated lights that can be controlled by touching the surface of the concrete at any point. Concrete was one of the greatest innovations in the history of architecture; however, because of its ease of use, it has resulted in some of the least thoughtful building that has ever been undertaken. Its reputation has been tarnished by years of mindless application; a sort of dump and dash philosophy of building. The argument being made by the team at NOWLab is that through the utilization of advanced technologies such as 3D printing the forming of concrete can once again become a point of pride for the master builder, and the integration of sensorial capabilities can elevate the material beyond mere presence in a space to an active element in the formation of spatial experience.

The particular wall section they have created was designed using Arabic tiling logic put through a parametric design process, used to guide the tiles as they shift from closed on the bottom toward open on the top of the panel. Once the 3D model had been perfected, the concrete molds were then printed on the BigRep ONE, a machine capable of producing at an architectural scale. Within the openings, LED lights were placed, and a touch of the hand on the surface of the concrete is used to turn them on and off. The panel, reminiscent of Gaudi’s Sagrada Família, particularly the later portions, promise to show the way towards a reimagining of the possibilities for form once 3D printed molds are utilized.

What do you think of this news? Let us know your thoughts; join the discussion of this and other 3D printing topics at 3DPrintBoard.com or share your thoughts below.

[Source/Images: Designboom]