Experimental Resin 3D Printer Updated! #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Clem from Element14 has some fun trying out a unique 3D printing set up based on the Raspberry Pi 4!

From Element14 Presents:

Clem has built a giant resin based 3D printer concept in a previous video, and today it is time to put the concept upside down! The people on the element14 community gave him a lot of advice and ideas to make his idea finally work as it should! Clem builds a second iteration of his 3D printer using daylight resins and easily obtainable parts. The new Raspberry pi 4 8 GB reduces slicing times and makes for a more responsive GUI on this experimental 3D printer! Now its time for the community to take his findings and iterate for a bright future of cheap huge 3D printers!

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